About Pegasus online store

PEGASUS CHARIOT is an online shop for products that assist innovation and creativity. This shop belongs to the company called BioTRIZ  www.biotriz.com

BioTRIZ  is a trading name for BioTRIZ Ltd. Registered Office: The Courtyard, 33 Duke Street, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 8EA. Registered in England №6616888. Directors: Nikolay Bogatyrev, PhD; Olga Bogatyreva, PhD, DSc; Mikhail Bogatyrev, MA.

BioTRIZ and the portrayal of a key with the integrated word BioTRIZ in it are registered trademarks of BioTRIZ Ltd.


BioTRIZ Ltd was formed in 2008 by people who worked at the Centre for Biomimetic and Natural Technologies, University of Bath, UK. Starting in 2001 Drs Olga and Nikolay Bogatyrev worked on a series of research projects in Biomimetics/Bionics (please see our publications on the main site www.biotriz.com). This research laid down the rules for developing a "green" version of TRIZ wherein the successful principles and ideas used to develop the new solutions came from Nature rather than technology.

Solving industrial problems a BioTRIZ consultant always works together with the domain experts,  to allow both - learning the method and achieving the practical results. So, project related workshops for industry remain our main business.

Teaching TRIZ and other creativity and innovation methods for students including Continuous Professional Development (CPD) program at the University of Bath remains an important part of our activity. Additionally, the staff at the University of Bath are an excellent source of expert knowledge and can be called on where appropriate.